Bostik Ultralevel Hd 20 kg
Ultralevel HD
Ultralevel HD is a rapid hardening self levelling, polymer
modified cementitious overlay. It has been formulated
for maximum flow & easy application to achieve a
smooth, flat surface without shrinkage or cracking.
Reinstatement of new or existing concrete floors
subject to foot traffic, industrial equipment, fork lift
traffic or trolleys. Use as final wearing coarse overlay.
Hard wearing, long lasting durable overlay Fast
application, rapid cure minimises factory down time.
Residential, commercial & light to medium industrial
applications. Use as stand alone system. Application
thickness from 6 mm - 20 mm in a single application.
Accepts foot traffic in 2 hours, Very fast application.
Dimensionally stable, Single component product, just
add water. Installation can be carried out in a single
application. Rapid curing, Can be applied directly onto
prepared concrete surfaces. Eliminates need for sand &
cement screeds. Floor covering may be applied next
day. Floor coating can be applied 3 hrs after application.
Ensure substrate is clean, dry and free from oil, grease,
sealers, curing compounds, paints, polymer coatings,
dust or any other contaminant or coating that may
affect the bonding of Bostik Ultralevel HD onto the
substrate. All foreign material, e.g. bitumen, adhesive or
latience must be removed by mechanical means such
as scabbling, capture shot blasting or grinding. The
substrate must be primed prior to the application of
Bostik Ultralevel HD.
Bostik Ultralevel HD requires 4.3 litres of clean water
per 20 kg bag & is best mixed with a forced action, high
shear stirrer, powered by a heavy duty electric mixing
drill at approx. 600 r.p.m. Add Bostik Ultralevel HD to
pre-measured water in a clean mixing bucket,
whilstcontinuously mixing the contents. When the
entire contents of the bag have been added to the
water, mix for a further 2 minutes to produce a smooth
homogenous consistency. DO NOT MIX BY HAND. DO
NOT ADD EXCESS WATER. Discard any Bostik Ultralevel
HD that has hardened or stiffened in the mixing bucket.
Pour the fully mixed Bostik Ultralevel HD onto the
primed substrate and allow material to seek its own
level. It may be spread with a steel trowel, spreader or
squeegee. Keep the trowel slightly inclined to obtain
desired thickness of cover. To ensure uniform
consistency & continuous flow, it is advised that
subsequent mixes are ready to enable continuous
pouring until the entire area to be levelled is complete.
Minimum thickness 6 mm. Protect the finished areas
from damage until Bostik Ultralevel HD has dried.
A 20 Kg bag of Bostik Ultralevel HD mixed with 4.3 litres
of clean water will yield approximately 13 litres. This
quantitywill cover approx. 2.2 m2 @ 6mm thickness.
Thickness Area m2 per 20 kg bag
6 mm 2 . 2
8 mm 1 . 6
10 mm 1 . 30
13 mm 1 . 0
20 mm 0 . 65